Soldier martyred in eastern Turkey in PKK terror attack

By Sener Toktas

BITLIS, Turkey (AA) – A specialized sergeant was martyred Thursday during an anti-PKK terror operation in the Turkish eastern province of Bitlis, according to security sources.

The incident took place along the Tatvan-Van Highway, said the unnamed security sources, speaking on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking with the media.

The specialized sergeant was martyred by PKK terrorists using long-barreled weapons.

The PKK – listed as a terrorist organization also by the U.S., and the EU – resumed its armed campaign against the Turkish state in July 2015.

Since then, nearly 600 security personnel, including troops, police officers, and village guards, have been martyred, and more than 7,700 PKK terrorists killed in operations across Turkey and northern Iraq.

*Anadolu Agency correspondents Hatice Kesgin in Ankara contributed to this report.