Qatar, Russia urge dialogue to solve Gulf row

By Ahmed al-Masri, Ali Semerci

DOHA, Qatar (AA) – Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani and Russian President Vladimir Putin called for dialogue to solve the Gulf crisis, according to Qatar’s official news agency.

The QNA reported on Saturday that the two leaders had a phone conversation where they stressed the need to solve the diplomatic row through diplomatic means and direct dialogue among all sides.

Al-Thani and Putin also discussed bilateral relations as well as strengthening relations in energy and investment sectors.

Several Arab states — including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Yemen — have imposed a diplomatic and economic blockade on Qatar, which they accuse of supporting terrorism.

Doha denies the accusations and has rejected a 13-point list of demands it received from the four countries to restore ties.

Turkey has vowed to stand by Qatar and called on Saudi Arabia to end all sanctions against the tiny Gulf state.