Palestine decries Australia mulling embassy move

By Pizaro Gozali

JAKARTA (AA) – Palestine decried Australia announcing it will consider moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, calling any such move a violation of international law.

“We are disheartened by hearing such news. Australia clearly does not respect UN Security Council resolutions, ” said Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki on Tuesday, visiting Jakarta, Indonesia.

Al-Maliki warned Australia is risking its trade and business relations with the world, especially Arab and Muslim countries.

“I hope Australia will reconsider its plans before taking such action, ” he said.

The possible move was announced by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, while adding that his country would continue to support a two-state solution for Israeli-Palestinian issues.

Al-Maliki also praised Indonesian leaders for contacting Morrison immediately to protest the idea.

“The communication between Indonesian and Australian officials is very helpful to remind Australia that this step is inappropriate and violates international law, ” he said.

– Indonesian, Australian leaders talk Jerusalem

Indonesian President Joko Widodo “has talked with the Australian premier as this is an important and serious matter for Indonesia,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi also spoke with her Australian counterpart and Morrison.

“Indonesia continues to support a two-state solution,” Marsudi told a joint press conference alongside al-Maliki.

“We hope Australia will also respect UN Security Council resolutions, support the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, and not take steps which could harm world stability,” she added.

She stressed that a two-state solution is the basic principle that must be maintained to achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace.