Pakistan’s National Day celebrated in Turkish capital

ANKARA (AA) – Pakistan celebrated its National Day in Turkey’s capital Ankara on Thursday evening in the embassy complex.

Pakistan’s Ambassador to Ankara Sohail Mahmood, during the ceremonial event, said 23 March was an “important milestone in the historical struggle” of the Muslims of South Asia.

The envoy also highlighted that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had visited Pakistan twice in the last four months.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited Turkey in February to co-chair 5th session of Pakistan-Turkey High Level Strategic Cooperation Council in Ankara where both countries signed a number of agreements/MoUs for further strengthening cooperation in diverse fields.

“Pakistan and Turkey were also inching closer towards concluding a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which would help boost bilateral trade, commercial and investment relations,” the envoy added, according to a statement from the embassy’s press office.