OIC holds emergency meeting on Al-Aqsa crisis

By Hamza Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) – The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held an emergency meeting in the Saudi city of Jeddah on Monday to discuss Israeli violations against Jerusalem’s flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque.

In a statement released after the meeting, the OIC decried Israel’s closure of the holy site and installation of metal detectors at the mosque gates.

“Israel, as an occupying force, does not have any legal authority on Jerusalem and Islamic and Christian sites [in the city],” it said.

Monday’s meeting was held at the level of the permanent delegates of the OIC member-states.

The OIC said it will hold another emergency meeting at the level of foreign ministers early in August to discuss developments in Jerusalem.

Anger has spilled across the Palestinian territories since last week when Israel shut the Al-Aqsa Mosque, venerated by Muslims and Jews, who call it Temple Mount, following a deadly shootout.

The mosque was reopened after a two-day closure, with Israel installing metal detectors and cameras at the mosque’s gates.

Israel has said the detectors are a necessary response to a recent attack inside Al-Aqsa that saw two Israeli police officers and three Palestinians killed, but Palestinians say the move aims to change the status quo — a delicate balance of prayer and visiting rights.

Four Palestinians have been killed in clashes with security forces since Friday and three Israelis were killed in their home in a West Bank settlement.