Nigerian daily rates Erdogan muslim personality of 2018

By Rafiu Rajakaye

LAGOS Nigeria (AA) – A Nigerian Islamic newspaper rated Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan 'Global Muslim Personality of 2018', praising the leader for standing up for the rights of Muslims worldwide.

Rasheed Abubakar, publisher of the Muslim News Nigeria, said the choice of Erdogan as the winner of the Global Muslim Personality award was “undisputable ” going by the influence and power he wields – both within the Muslim world and in the international community.

Erdogan also has a large number of supporters among Nigerian Muslims, Abubakar added.

“Erdogan is famously referred to as the Amir-ul-Mu'mineen (the Leader of the Believers) for his consistent advocacy for the voiceless and defenseless Muslims all over the world, despite the campaign of calumny by distractors in the global media, ” Abubakar said.

He said Erdogan took the initiative and accused Israel of “willful murder ” of Palestinians despite the entire Muslim world kept silent.

“This same man has on several occasions called on the Muslim world to protect the Rohingya and Uighur Muslims against the government of their countries in Myanmar and China.

“He didn't just talk or shout to cover-up, he walked the talk by providing humanitarian assistance for millions of oppressed Muslims, ” he added.

Abubakar said the criteria for picking the winners include their overall positive campaign on the rights of Muslims worldwide.

Erdogan emerged on top of the ratings that included other influential Muslim figures like Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar (2nd); Malaysian leader Mahathir Bin Mohamad (3rd); renowned Muslim cleric Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi (4th); and the Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed Bin Salman (5th).