Nearly 1,000 civilians killed in Syria last month: NGO

By Soheib Qalalo

ISTANBUL (AA) – At least 996 civilians were killed in war-torn Syria during the month of November, the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) said Friday.

According to a monthly report released by the NGO, the casualty toll includes 503 deaths — including 74 children — due to attacks by Assad regime forces.

The report goes on to note that 297 civilians, including 95 children and 44 women, had been killed in attacks by Russian forces.

The Daesh terrorist group, for its part, was responsible for the deaths of 114 civilians, including 16 children and 10 women, according to the same report.

The terrorist PKK/PYD group, meanwhile, was responsible for 15 civilian deaths over the same period, while another six civilians were killed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes.

The SNHR has recorded a total of 10,034 civilian deaths in Syria since the beginning of 2017 alone.