Myanmar officers break up monk-led protest

By Kyaw Ye Lynn

YANGON, Myanmar (AA) – Authorities in the country’s second city, cleared a protest camp where demonstrators called for the over throw of State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi’s government, according to police Saturday.

Plain clothes officers broke up a sit-in early Saturday as about 20 hard-lined nationalist monks and their supporters refused to disperse near the historic Maha Myat Mhuni Pagoda in Chan Mya Tha Zi township of Mandalay.

A local officer told Anadolu Agency police cleared the camp without excessive force and detained about 10 protesters.

“Those detainees will be charged by township’s administrators and religious authority under the section 505 (b) of the Penal Code,” according to the officer who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Section 505 (b) carries jail terms of up to 10 years snf prohibits publishing or circulating information that may cause public fear or alarm and which may incite people to commit offences against the state or public tranquility.

The Mandalay Police Force is expected to issue a new release regarding the clearance of the camp later today.

Demonstrators, accused the government of failing to protect the majority Burman nationality and the predominant Buddhist religion in the country. They set up three protest camps this week in Mandalay, Yangon and restive Shan state’s capital Taung Gyi.

They called on the government to meet the demand of the monks that included sacking the religious affairs and culture minister, who was actively involved in disbanding an anti-Muslim group.

The ministry and Ma Ha Na, the government-appointed monk association, which serves as the highest religious authority in the country, said earlier this week protesting monks do not represent all of the monkhood’s wishes.

Ma Ha Na banned the Race and Religion Protection Committee known for its anti-Islamic rhetoric.