Marking May Day, Turkish president lauds workers' role

By Vakkas Dogantekin</p> <p>ANKARA (AA) – Turkey’s president on Wednesday marked May Day — International Workers' Day — for laborers throughout Turkey. </p> <p>&quot;I celebrate the May 1 Labor and Solidarity Day of all our workers and laborers whose sweat plays an important role in the growth and development of our country,&quot; President Recep Tayyip Erdogan tweeted early in the day. </p> <p>Later, speaking at a May Day event, Erdogan expressed his condolences to the families of five seasonal workers who lost their lives in a traffic accident today in the eastern province of Sanliurfa. </p> <p>Speaking at the event in the presidential complex in the capital Ankara, he went on to say that Turkey is a &quot;unique&quot; country by all measures and added: &quot;The potential of Turkey is so great that it is sufficient for 182 million, let alone 82 million [Turkey's current population].&quot; </p> <p>Erdogan also criticized governments from the years before 2002, when his ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party came to power, accusing them of exercising discrimination among labor unions. </p> <p>&quot;Victimizing people who had no agenda other than putting dinner on the table for political or ideological reasons and depriving them of their jobs is a very heavy burden to bear,&quot; he said. </p> <p>May Day or International Workers' Day first emerged as an event commemorating the labor of workers worldwide on May 1, 1886, when a group of workers in the U.S. held a massive strike for an eight-hour workday.<br>

Turkey’s first official May Day celebrations were held in 1923.