Libya: Tripoli-based gov't frees Qaddafi-era official

By Jihad Nasr

TRIPOLI (AA) – The Tripoli-based government has released former regime official Abu Zaid Dorda after eight years in prison, according to a local security official on Sunday.

Dorda had served as the head of the external security service during the regime of late strongman Muammar Qaddafi.

“His release came to show the importance of national reconciliation among the Libyan people, ” the official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

He said Dorda left Tripoli on Sunday to neighboring Tunisia aboard a Libyan plane.

Another Qaddafi-era official confirmed that Dorda had arrived in Tunisia.

“He will stay temporarily in Tunisia until some arrangements are made, ” the official said, without giving further details.

Born in 1944, Dorda was one of the most prominent figures during the Qaddafi era.

He served in several government positions, including the post of prime minister from 1990 to 1994 and as the country's representative to the United Nations.

Dorda was arrested on Sept, 11, 2011 by anti-regime forces and held in prison ever since until he was released on Saturday.

Libya has been beset by turmoil since 2011, when a bloody NATO-backed uprising led to the ouster and death of Qaddafi after more than four decades in power.

Since then, Libya’s stark political divisions have yielded two rival seats of power — one in Tobruk and another in Tripoli — and a host of heavily armed militia groups.