Libya: Plane crash kills 5 near oilfield

By Walid Abdullah

TRIPOLI (AA) – Five people were killed when a transport plane crashed near an oilfield in southern Libya on Sunday, according to a local security official.

The plane crashed minutes after taking off from El Sharara oilfield, the official said on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to media.

He cited “technical failure” as a possible cause of the crash.

There was no comment from the UN-backed unity government, the forces of which control El Sharara oilfield, on the crash.

Libyan authorities use planes to transport supplies to the oilfield over ongoing fighting between rival groups in the southern city of Obari.

Libya has remained dogged by chaos and political uncertainty since 2011, when a bloody uprising led to the ouster and death of longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi after more than four decades in power.

The ensuing power vacuum swiftly led to the emergence of several competing seats of government — including one in Tobruk and another in capital Tripoli — and a plethora of heavily-armed militia groups.