Kuwait, Qatar, UAE confirm new COVID-19 deaths

ANKARA (AA) – Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) confirmed new fatalities due to the novel coronavirus on Sunday.

Kuwait's Health Ministry said seven people had died from COVID-19 over the past 24 hours, bringing the nationwide death toll to 212.

A ministry statement said 851 new infections were recorded, taking the total cases to 27,043, while the number of recoveries rose to 11,386 after 230 people had recovered from the disease.

In Qatar, the Health Ministry confirmed two fatalities due to the illness, bringing the death toll to 38, while 1,648 new cases were registered, taking the figure to 56,910.

The ministry said 4,451 people have recovered from the virus, pushing the total recoveries to 30,290.

The UAE Health Ministry also said two people had died from the disease and 661 contracted the virus over the past 24 hours.

The country's toll now stands at 264 deaths, 34,557 cases and 17,932 recoveries.

The pandemic has claimed over 370,000 lives in 188 countries and regions since originating in China last December. The US, Brazil and Russia are currently the world’s worst-hit countries.

Some 6.1 million cases have been reported worldwide. As many as 2.59 million people have recovered so far, according to figures compiled by the US' Johns Hopkins University.

*Ahmed Asmar contributed to this report from Ankara