Kenya: 3 dead in al-Shabaab attack

By Andrew Wasike

Nairobi (AA) – Three people in Kenya were killed Thursday when Somali-based al-Shabaab militants abducted a Kenyan government official, who was shot, and five others.

The militants attacked and abducted Public Works Permanent Secretary Mariam el-Maawy while she was on her way back to the southeastern town of Lamu after attending a stakeholders meeting on a government project.

The Kenyan military was quick to respond pursuing the militants into Lamu’s Boni forest, where they managed to rescue the government official who was immediately airlifted to Mpeketoni Hospital in Lamu county, security officials told local media

Confirming the deaths to Kenya’s Daily Nation a senior police officer who wished not to be named due to restrictions to speaking to the media said the militants took control of the official’s vehicle before speeding off.

Last week, in the same area, al-Shabaab militants raided a village and abducted nine villagers, whom they later beheaded.