Jordan confirms first death from COVID-19

By Laith Al-jnaidi and Hamdi Yildiz

AMMAN (AA) – Jordan reported its first fatality from the coronavirus Saturday when a female patient, 83, died, the head of Prince Hamza Hospital in Amman, Abdulaziz al-Khashman, said, according to the nation’s official news agency, Petra

Al-Khashman said the victim had a chronic disease.

Official figures show cases of the virus in Jordan have reached 235.

Government spokesman Amjad Al Adailah said a nationwide curfew to stem the spread of the virus began March 21.

After emerging in Wuhan, China last December, the virus known as COVID-19 has spread to at least 175 countries and regions.

The number of confirmed cases worldwide has surpassed 593,000, while the death toll is above 27,000 but nearly 130,000 have recovered, according to data compiled by U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University.

Despite the rising number of cases, most who contract the virus suffer mild symptoms before making a recovery.

*Writing by Davut Demircan