Iraqi govt hails Turkey’s stance against coup attempt

By Haydar Hadi

BAGHDAD (AA) – Iraq’s government Monday voiced support for Turkey’s stance against the coup attempt by the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad said.

The embassy said in a written statement that Ambassador Faruk Kaymakci separately met Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi, Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, and Hassan Shoird, head of Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee.

Kaymakci warned Iraq about the activities of FETO and asked them to take precautions in this regard.

Al-Jubouri said Iraq stands in “full cooperation” with Turkey’s parliament, which was attacked on July 15 by the coup-plotters. He also said the common stance of Turkey’s political leaders against the failed coup was an inspiration to Iraq.

Shoird said the democracy, security, and stability of Turkey and Iraq are interconnected.

Turkey’s government has repeatedly said the deadly coup attempt, which martyred at least 246 people and injured more than 2,100 others, was organized by followers of U.S.-based preacher Fetullah Gulen.

Gulen is also accused of a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and judiciary, forming what is commonly known as the parallel state.

* Anadolu Agency correspondent Diyar Guldogan contributed to this report from Ankara.