Investors urge ‘common sense’ in Turkish-Dutch row

By Mucahid Eker

ISTANBUL (AA) – Turkey’s international investors on Monday called on the Turkish and Dutch governments to use ‘common sense’ in order to solve the current crisis between the two countries.

“We have been closely monitoring the latest developments in diplomatic relations between Turkey and the Netherlands, and we are deeply sorry,” The International Investors Association of Turkey (YASED) said in a statement.

Recalling the deep-rooted diplomatic, cultural and economic ties between the two countries going back for “more than 400 years,” YASED said this strong relationship provided both economic and social benefits for all sides.

The association noted that around 30,000 Dutch and Turkish companies were investing in both countries, creating “added value and employment opportunities for Turkish and Dutch economies,” and “increasing the international competitiveness of Turkish businesses”.

“As YASED, it is our wish that the problems between Turkey and the Netherlands are resolved as soon as possible through common sense within the framework of diplomacy and international law,” it said.

Over the weekend, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and Family Minister Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya were barred by Dutch authorities from addressing Turkish nationals on the upcoming constitutional change referendum on April 16.

When Turkish citizens in Rotterdam peacefully protested these developments, they were met by police using batons, dogs and water cannons, in what some analysts called a disproportionate use of force.

The events have drawn strong criticism from the Turkish government, which, earlier on Monday, sent diplomatic notes to the Netherlands in protest.