Incoming Turkish PM vows to work on new constitution

ANKARA (AA) – Turkey’s incoming new prime minister vowed Tuesday to immediately work on a new constitution, which will include also the presidential system.

“The most important task of the AK Party [parliamentary] group is to better fit the constitution with the actual state of the elected president’s relationship with the people”, Justice and Development (AK) Party chairman Binali Yildirim said.

Yildirim was speaking at the first AK Party parliamentary group meeting in Ankara after being elected its chairman on Sunday and announcing new government on Tuesday.

“This is not just a matter of our president; this issue is the future of the Republic of Turkey,” he said.

He vowed to immediately start working to change Turkey’s current constitution, which came into effect two years after a military coup in 1980.

Earlier, Yildirim announced Turkey’s 65th government, which is now awaiting a confidence vote in parliament which is due to take place later this week.

The 65th government is set to hold its first meeting on Wednesday under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the presidential complex in Ankara.