In new attacks, Israeli warplanes hit 5 sites in Gaza

GAZA, Palestine (AA) – Israeli warplanes on Saturday continued attacking the blockaded Palestinian Gaza strip, targeting five more sites affiliated with Palestinian resistance forces there, Anadolu Agency correspondents on the ground reported.</p> <p>The new Israeli raids followed Friday's escalation when an Israeli air raid targeted the strip, leaving four Palestinian martyred and another 51 wounded.</p> <p>In reciprocal attacks Saturday, one Palestinian was martyred in northern Gaza by Israeli raids. The Israeli army, meanwhile, said that around 90 rockets had been launched from Gaza to Israel, and most were intercepted by its Iron Dome Aerial Defense System.</p> <p>The Israeli army, in an earlier statement, said that some positions of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades — the armed wing of the Hamas movement, which is running the Gaza Strip — were targeted by Israeli tanks. </p> <p>