Imam recites in NZ Parliament in wake of terror attacks

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AA) – A Muslim imam on Tuesday led prayers in New Zealand’s Parliament, meeting for the first time since last week’s terrorist attacks on two mosques claimed 50 lives.</p> <p>Nizam ul Haq Thanvi recited verses from the Quran, in Arabic, for the victims of last week’s massacre of peaceful worshippers.</p> <p>A translation into English by Imam Tahir Navaz followed.</p> <p>New Zealand Parliament Speaker Trevor Mallard also called for unity and solidarity, and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern spoke the Islamic greeting &quot;As-salamu alaykum&quot; or &quot;peace be upon you&quot;.</p> <p>&quot;They were New Zealanders, they were us. Because they were us, we mourn them,&quot; she said of the attack’s victims.</p> <p>The session comes in the wake of last week’s terror attacks, when a terrorist opened fire on worshippers during Friday prayers at the Al Noor and Linwood mosques in Christchurch, leaving at least 50 people dead.</p> <p>About as many were injured, with several still in critical condition.</p> <p><br></p> <p>* Writing by Erdogan Cagatay Zontur</p> <p>