Guatemala FM lauds Turkish influence in Latin America

By Ugur Cil

ANKARA (AA) – The Guatemalan foreign minister said on Wednesday that his country was pleased about Turkey’s decision to turn its attention to Latin America, most notably Central American countries.

Carlos Raul Morales, spoke to Anadolu Agency in an exclusive interview during his official visit in Ankara.

“We are pleased of Turkey’s focusing on Latin American and especially Central American countries,” Morales said, noting that Turkey had opened an embassy in Guatemala two years ago.

Guatemala is opening its embassy in Turkey on Wednesday.

“Turkey is a highly important country and economy for Guatemala. Therefore, we are opening our embassy not in another country but in Turkey,” Morales stressed.

Morales said the Turkish embassy was introducing Turkish culture to Guatemalans who wished to reciprocate.

He also invited Turkish investors to Guatemala saying the country provided great opportunities.