Greece to not overturn ex-Turkish soldier's asylum

ATHENS (AA) – The General Council of State has rejected the government's appeal against the asylum of one of the eight ex-Turkish soldiers who fled to Greece after the July 2016 defeated coup.

The council, supreme administrative court of Greece, made its decision on Suleyman Ozkaynakci's case Tuesday, setting a precedent for the cases of other fugitive Turkish soldiers.

A Greek asylum committee had decided to grant asylum to Ugur Ucan in June after the Council of State also granted former soldiers Ozkaynakci and Ahmet Guzel asylum in May this year.

A few hours after the July 2016 defeated coup to overthrow the Turkish government, eight ex-military personnel had arrived in Greece on a hijacked Black Hawk helicopter and requested asylum.

Turkey immediately issued an extradition request, which was eventually declined by the Supreme Court in January 2017, after a series of trials and appeals.

The soldiers are accused by Turkish authorities of involvement in the defeated coup and being members of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO).

FETO and its U.S.-based leader Fetullah Gulen orchestrated the defeated coup on July 15, 2016, which left 251 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured.