Greece registers record daily rise in COVID-19 cases

By Magda Panoutsopoulou

ATHENS (AA) – Greece saw another negative record in COVID-19 cases Saturday with 2,056 new infections, the highest daily number since the start of the pandemic in February.

The tally of infections jumped to 39,251, with 4,112 related to travel from abroad and 13,278 to already confirmed infections.

The number of intubated patients has also seen a steady rise this week, reaching 135 from 95 on Monday.

Total fatalities hit 626 with six recorded deaths on Saturday, health authorities announced.

Following days of surging infections, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced new measures to curb further spread.

As of Tuesday, bars, cafes, cinemas, gyms, and museums in high-risk areas will be closed, but restaurants will be allowed to offer deliveries and takeaway service, while 50% of public and private sector employees will work from home, and universities will practice distance learning, according to Mitsotakis.