German FM warns against anti-Turkish sentiments

BERLIN (AA) – German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has warned against the rise of anti-Turkish and anti-Muslim sentiments in Germany due to the recent political tensions between Berlin and Ankara.

Speaking ahead of a meeting on Wednesday with Turkish-origin lawmakers, Gabriel praised the contribution of Turkish politicians to the successful integration of their 3 million-strong migrant community, and stressed that the recent tensions should not harm the well-being of the Turkish community.

“People of Turkish origin living here in Germany are concerned that recent tensions due to the referendum and the recent dispute between Turkey and Germany, might destroy the success of integration, and co-existence achieved in the last 20, 30 years… and again trigger anti-Turkish and anti-Muslim sentiments in our society,” he said.

Relations between Turkey and Germany plunged into a crisis after German authorities cancelled earlier in March several planned rallies by Turkish ministers and politicians ahead of Turkey’s April 16 constitutional referendum for a transition to a presidential system of governance. While the Yes campaign was blocked by authorities, German opposition parties have publicly backed the No campaign, drawing sharp criticism from the Turkish government which accused them of interfering in Turkey’s internal affairs. Turkish leaders have depicted bans imposed on planned rallies in Germany as “fascist” and “neo-Nazi” practices. In Germany, nearly half of 3 million Turkish immigrants are eligible to vote in the referendum, and they can cast their ballots until April 9 at Turkish consulates and other polling stations across the country. Gabriel expressed concern over possible polarization among the Turkish migrant community amid the political crisis and said the government intended to discuss with Turkish-origin politicians possible steps to prevent such a development. Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere and Integration Minister Aydan Ozoguz also attended the meeting, which was hosted by Gabriel at the Foreign Ministry.