Gambia’s first post-Jammeh polls praised as free, fair

By Mustapha K Darboe

BANJUL, Gambia (AA) – Following months of turmoil leading to the fall of Gambia’s longtime strongman, international bodies have hailed new elections in the West African nation as free, fair, and transparent, while noting some shortcomings.

“The UN is very pleased that Gambia has come out looking very good, only three months into this new government, to hold another election, and it has passed this major test very admirably,” Muhammed Ibn Chambas, the UN secretary-general’s West Africa representative, told Anadolu Agency Saturday.

Gambians went to the polls on Thursday to elect National Assembly members, and parties backing new President Adama Barrow — who replaced strongman Yahya Jammeh — won an overwhelming majority.

The African Union mission chief, Terry Tselane, told a press conference that the integrity of the country’s recent polls has been protected.

“I am giving them nine out of 10 and I am leaving out that one because we raised some issues that ought to be improved upon,” Tselane told journalists.

While praising the overall process, EU observers saw deficiencies such as inadequate regulation of campaign financing and the exclusion of diaspora Gambians, among others.