Families return to Libya’s Daesh-purged city of Sirte

By Jabour Doken

TRIPOLI, Libya (AA) – At least 290 displaced families have reportedly returned to Libya’s north-central city of Sirte within the past 24 hours — one month after the city’s recapture from the Daesh terrorist group.

According to Abdul Wahab al-Haddad, who led pro-government forces in retaking the city last month, the return of Sirte’s displaced residents will be conducted over six stages, the first of which, he said, would be completed next week.

“Sirte’s displaced residents are being swiftly returned to their homes,” he told Anadolu Agency.

Returnees are reportedly being made to sign a document that includes a pledge not to cooperate with Daesh in the future.

In May of last year, forces aligned with Libya’s UN-backed unity government launched a campaign to recapture Sirte, which Daesh overran in early 2015.

Last December, Libya’s UN-backed unity government officially announced Sirte’s “total liberation” from the grip of the terrorist group.