European Parliament urges EU to assist Libyan elections

By Hajer M'tiri

PARIS (AA) – The European Parliament on Wednesday adopted a non-binding motion urging the EU to back UN efforts to hold elections in Libya by the end of this year.

The MEPs passed the motion by 486 votes in favor and 150 against, with 44 abstentions.

The vote comes a day after Libyan rival factions during a meeting in Paris agreed to adopt a constitution by Sept. 16 and hold parliamentary and presidential elections on Dec. 10, 2018.

The motion said the EU should provide technical support for the electoral process, with funding linked to election law that complies with international standards.

MEPs called on the EU Council, Commission and External Action Service to “intensify their diplomatic effort to support the UN Action Plan for Libya — currently the only viable framework for a solution to the crisis ” and “back the holding of elections in Libya by the end of 2018 and only once a new constitution is adopted “.

The motion also focuses on helping with the migrant crisis. It said: “The protection of migrants and refugees in Libya and their conditions in detention centers should be improved and the Libyan authorities should close facilities that are not in line with international standards as soon as possible. ”

The MEPs also asked the EU “to step up international efforts to dismantle migrant smuggling and human trafficking networks “.