Ethiopia accuses Eritrea of ‘terror attack’ on key dam

By Seleshi Tessema

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AA) – Ethiopia has foiled an “Eritrean-sponsored terrorist attack” on the multi-billion dollar Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, an official told Anadolu Agency Thursday.

Zadig Abrha, a deputy spokesman for the government, told Anadolu Agency 13 assailants belonging to the Benishangul Gumuz People’s Liberation Movement were killed Tuesday during the attack.

Seven other attackers who crossed over into Sudan were later handed back to Ethiopian authorities by the Sudanese government, Abrha said.

“They were trained, armed and directed by Eritrea and were heading to the construction site in a bid to attack it on Tuesday,” he said.

“We are conducting further investigation and will decide how to respond to this Eritrean-sponsored terrorist attack,’’ he added.

Ethiopia accuses Eritrea and Egypt of destabilizing the country. Both deny the accusation.