English Premier League clubs to return to training

By Emre Asikci

ANKARA (AA) – The English Premier League (EPL) confirmed Monday that clubs have given green light to small group training commencing Tuesday.

"Step One of the Return to Training Protocol enables squads to train while maintaining social distancing. Contact training is not yet permitted," EPL said on its website.

"The health and wellbeing of all participants is the Premier League’s priority, and the safe return to training is a step-by-step process," it added.

It also said that the first stage has been agreed upon after consulting with players, managers, league club doctors, independent experts, and the government.

The league was suspended in April due to the coronavirus pandemic. Liverpool were leading the division with 82 points in 29 games.

The Reds were followed by Manchester City with 57 points in 28 matches. Leicester City were in the third place with 53 points in 29 games.

On Sunday, the UK reported that the death toll from COVID-19 reached 34,636 as 170 more people died over the last 24 hours.