Egypt delegation arrives in Gaza for talks with Hamas

By Nour Abu Eisha and Hani al-Shaer <br>

GAZA CITY, Palestine (AA) – A delegation of Egyptian Intelligence officers arrived in the Gaza Strip on Thursday via the Beit Hanoun (Erez) border crossing.

Delegation members are expected to meet with Hamas officials to discuss Sunday’s withdrawal of Palestinian Authority (PA) personnel from the Rafah border crossing, which links Gaza to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

The Egyptian delegation reportedly includes Ayman Badei, undersecretary of Egypt’s General Intelligence Directorate, and Major-General Ahmed Abdul Khaliq.

Hamas spokesman Hossam Badran told Palestine’s “Filisteen” newspaper on Thursday that the meeting would “likely focus on the Rafah crossing in light of the PA’s recent withdrawal”.

Late last Sunday, the Ramallah-based PA withdrew its officials from the crossing after accusing Hamas — which has governed the Gaza Strip since 2007 — of “obstructing” its work there.

Several Palestinian political groups decried the PA’s move, warning it would only serve to deepen the rift between Hamas and rival faction Fatah, the latter of which runs the PA.