Duterte joins ex-presidents for security meet

By Hader Glang

ZAMBOANGA CITY, the Philippines (AA) – President Rodrigo Duterte has joined former Philippines presidents Benigno Aquino III, Fidel Ramos, Gloria Arroyo and Joseph Estrada for the first time for a National Security Council meeting.

The meeting late Wednesday came in the wake of an international arbitral tribunal’s ruling invalidating China’s massive South China Sea claim, and a courtesy call by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and a U.S. congressional delegation to Duterte before noon Wednesday at Malacanang palace — the home of the Philippines presidency — in Manila.

Malacanang said in a statement that Duterte and Kerry had enjoyed a working lunch where they affirmed the “long-standing” relationship between the two countries and discussed a wide range of “common concerns” such as terrorism, crime, drugs, religious fanaticism and maritime security.

According to a ABS CBN report, Duterte and the four ex-presidents convened in one room to discuss policy and chart a course for the future of the country.

Malacanang palace spokesperson Ernesto Abella was quoted as saying that an overview of the road map for peace and development was presented in the first council meeting under the Duterte administration.

The council was also given an update on the government’s campaign against illegal drugs and charter change and a shift to federalism were also discussed.

Ramos, a member of the council, earlier agreed to become Manila’s special envoy to Beijing.

Malacanang earlier said Duterte would convene the NSC ”in order to agree on vital policies and strategies on important matters, including the recent ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration on the West Philippine Sea [parts of what others refer to as the South China Sea]”.

The council is composed of 35 leader-members from the executive and legislative branches of government, such as Vice President Leni Robredo, Senate President Aquilino Pimentel III, House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez, the majority and minority leaders of both Houses of Congress, chairs of Senate and House committees involved in national security concerns, and various members of the Cabinet.