
ANKARA (AA) – Here are the main topics Anadolu Agency’s English Desk plans to cover Wednesday, April 4, 2018 (coverage may change depending on developing/breaking stories):


ANKARA – Ankara will host Turkey-Russia-Iran summit on Syria, presidents Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani will hold a joint press conference following the summit.

ANKARA – Erdogan to meet with Rouhani at the presidential complex ahead of the summit.

ANKARA – Prime Minister Binali Yildirim will attend a draw ceremony at ATO Congresium Hall, expected to deliver a speech.


IDLIB / AZAZ / AFRIN – Desk to monitor Turkish-led Operation Olive Branch against YPG/PKK-Daesh terror groups in Afrin, Syria.


GENEVA – The International Syria Support Group's Humanitarian Access Task Force will convene in UN at Geneva and the meeting will be followed by a press stakeout with Jan Egeland, the special advisor to the UN Envoy for Syria.


MOSCOW – Russian Defense Ministry to host the VII Moscow Conference on International Security. Defense ministers from more than 30 countries confirmed their participation.


TOKYO – Deputy Prime Minister Recep Akdag to meet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Toshihiro Nikai, secretary-general of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), and Interior Minister Seiko Noda.


GAZA CITY – Following the ongoing Palestinian protests on Gaza Strip's eastern borders with Israel.


KHARTOUM – Tripartite talks between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia to be resumed in Khartoum following a two-year hiatus.


UEFA Champions League's quarter-final first leg matches will be played between Liverpool – Manchester City and Barcelona – Roma, both starting at GMT1845.


Sir Isaac Newton’s apple tree still stands strong

By Ahmet Gurhan Kartal

GRANTHAM, ENGLAND (AA) – The famous apple tree is still standing strong in the middle of an orchard adjacent to a historic manor in the small market town of Grantham in Midlands, England.

The tree had first found fame with one of its ripe apples fell before the very eyes of great British scientist Sir Isaac Newton when he was working on his ahead-of-time experiments.​


Ethiopian opposition cautiously optimistic about new PM

By Addis Getachew and Seleshi Tessema

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AA) – There has been much cheering and some jeering for the new Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who pledged unity and civil rights for his country after assuming the office.
….. Prominent political leaders said the actions of the prime minister will show if he is worth his salt.