
ANKARA (AA) – Here are the main topics Anadolu Agency’s English Desk plans to cover Saturday Feb. 18, 2017 (coverage may change depending on developing/breaking stories):


ELAZIG/MALATYA – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to attend mass opening ceremonies.


MUNICH – Turkish PM Binali Yildirim to hold official talks on the sidelines of Munich Security Conference.

MUNICH – Turkish FM Mevlut Cavusoglu and Defense Minister Fikri Isik to hold bilateral meetings.

MUNICH – Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence to deliver speeches at the conference.


BEIRUT – Court hearings begin in trial of former government minister accused of planning attacks against anti-Syrian regime figures in Lebanon.


BANJUL – President Adama Barrow to be inaugurated as Gambia’s third president in an official ceremony in Banjul.


NAIROBI – President Uhuru Kenyatta to hold a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in Nairobi.​

SPECIAL REPORT: Assassinating Muslim scientists: An Israeli tradition

By Mustapha Dalaa

ISTANBUL – The assassination late last year of a Tunisian aviation engineer with alleged links to Hamas is widely believed to have been carried out by Israel’s Mossad.​

SPECIAL REPORT: UK minister Duncan says Europe was slow to react to July 15

LONDON (AA) – The July 15 coup attempt was a “deep traumatic experience” for Turkey and “Europe was very slow to appreciate” it, British Foreign Minister Alan Duncan said.