Denmark: COVID-19 cases surge to 514

By Davut Colak

COPENHAGEN (AA) – The number of confirmed cases in Denmark of the novel coronavirus has risen to 514, the government said Wednesday.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, Health Minister Magnus Heunicke and other officials held a press conference on the latest developments concerning the virus, officially known as COVID-19.

Frederiksen said the number of people who are in quarantine is 1,303.

All schools in the country, including universities, will be shut down as of Friday to combat the outbreak.

Public sector employees in non-critical jobs will also work from home.

Heunicke said two people being treated for the coronavirus are in critical condition.

The coronavirus was first detected last December in Wuhan, China but has since spread to more than 105 countries.

The global death toll from the virus is nearly 4,300 with more than 118,000 confirmed cases, according to the World Health Organization.