COVID-19 deaths eclipse 1.1 million worldwide

By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) – Over 1.1 million people have died worldwide after contracting the novel coronavirus, according to Johns Hopkins University data released Friday.

The grim milestone comes as the US-based university's running tally has counted over 39 million COVID-19 cases globally.

The US remains the country hardest hit by the pandemic, making up roughly 20% of all virus-related fatalities and confirmed cases. The number of cases has been on the rise in the US in the fall after declining in late summer.

In all, the US has recorded 7,997,969 and 217,987 deaths.

India, the world's second most populous country, trails behind the US in terms of total confirmed cases by roughly 600,000, but Brazil has recorded the second-highest death toll at 152,460 deaths.

After first being detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December COVID-19 has swept across the world, infecting individuals in 189 countries and regions, according to Johns Hopkins.