Conference accuses Iran of meddling in Middle East

ANKARA (AA) – A two-day conference on Iran organized by the Ankara-based Tabriz Research Institute ended in Stockholm Sunday, with a release of a final declaration that accused Iran of meddling in internal affairs of the countries in the region.

Iran’s ethnicity, sectarian structure, political participation and pluralism were discussed at the conference entitled “Political Pluralism and the Future of Participation of the Nationalities in Iran”. Iranian journalists, researchers and media members addressed in the conference.

In the declaration, it was argued that the Iranian government was making a big mistake not only in foreign policy but also in internal policy, dragging the Iranian society into a crisis environment in the economic, cultural and security issues.

“Basic rights of all citizens are continuously violated,” read the declaration.

It also accused Iran of meddling in internal affairs of countries in the region, going on to claim that it “has a completely negative role” in the region.

The declaration called for protection of all national, sectarian, religious and political differences Iran and urged the country to fulfill its obligations under international laws.

In addition, it said that Iran’s centrist system had a “destructive” role in the country and that it should be replaced with a system that will democratically free all citizens to self-determination as soon as possible.

The Tabriz Research Institute began in April under the chairmanship of Riza Heyet. The institute researches the language and culture as well as political, social and financial structure of nations and communities in contact with Turks, especially Iran and Azerbaijan.