Australia repatriates Sri Lankans after boat found

By Jill Fraser

MELBOURNE, Australia (AA) – Six Sri Lankans, reportedly attempting to reach Australia, have been repatriated after Australian authorities intercepted their boat.

News Corp reported Wednesday that the six men, who were assessed as being economic refugees as opposed to “genuine refugees”, were saved Tuesday by an Australian aerial patrol when their “derelict” boat was found adrift in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

An Operation Sovereign Borders source told News Corp that the group would have almost certainly perished had they not been found, as the boat’s engine was not working and the men, who had been at sea for two weeks, were in a “distressed” state.

The men were reportedly returned to Sri Lanka by plane after being assessed aboard an Australian vessel.

It is the first known boat of asylum seekers attempting to reach since Australia’s federal election July 2.

A key component of Australia’s immigration policy is to turn back boats of asylum seekers who seek to come to Australia without a visa.

In a statement released Wednesday, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton said the Sri Lankan government had tipped off Australia about the boat.

“This return shows that there has not been, and will not be, any change to Australia’s robust border protection policies,” Dutton said.

Dutton said Australia would continue to work with Sri Lanka and other regional partners to stop anyone who attempts to reach Australia illegally by boat.

“People should not believe people smugglers’ lies and risk their lives trying to get to Australia in unsafe boats; they will be turned back and will have wasted their money.”