Applications for Turkish language exam available

By Meltem Bulur

ANKARA (AA) – Yunus Emre Institute (YEE) on Thursday began accepting applications for Turkish Language Proficiency Exam (TYS) for foreigners to be held on May 5.

The institute said in a statement that applications can be submitted till April 20.

The exams are held thrice a year.

In the exam, the applicants' reading, listening, writing and speaking skills will be tested.

Successful applicants will get their Turkish Language Proficiency certificates in B2, C1 and C2 levels.

Those having one of these certificates are exempted from Turkish preparation classes if they attend a Turkish school.

In addition, Turkish Language Proficiency is sought by foreigners who want to work as tourist guides and interpreters.

Details about the exam are available on “ “.

Yunus Emre Institute provides services to people, who want to learn the Turkish language, culture, and art. One of its aims is to improve Turkey’s friendship with other countries and increase cultural exchange.

Since it was established in 2009, the institute has taught Turkish to more than 99,000 people in 43 countries.

Named after the 13th-century poet Yunus Emre, the institute now has nearly 54 cultural centers around the world offering artistic, social and scientific programs.