UPDATE – Kuwait, Morocco call for just solution in Palestine


By Abderrazak Boulkemh and Gulsen Topcu

KUWAIT, RABAT (AA) – Kuwait and Morocco called Wednesday for a fair solution in Palestine in line with international law in the wake of U.S. President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan.

“While acknowledging U.S. efforts to end the conflict between Israel and Palestine, Morocco finds that the solution “should satisfy the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people,” Morocco’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Morocco will examine the peace plan’s details “very carefully,” it added.

Kuwait’s Foreign Affairs Ministry also released a statement on the plan.

“A just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue can be reached only through compliance with relevant international legitimacy resolutions and terms of reference laid down by the international community, chiefly an independent and sovereign state on the June 4, 1967 border with its capital in East Jerusalem,” it said.

Tunisia’s Foreign Ministry also weighed in on the plan, saying the establishment of a fair, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East was through the recognition of the rights of the Palestinian people.

Stressing Algeria’s strong and permanent support for the Palestinian cause, its Foreign Ministry also released a statement.

It called for a “sense of responsibility and the necessity of consolidating the Palestinian ranks” while pointing to the inalienable right of Palestinians to establish an independent and sovereign state.

In the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump on Tuesday released his so-called "Deal of the Century" at the White House, which Palestinians wholly rejected and condemned.

Trump also referred to Jerusalem as "Israel's undivided capital."

Several groups and countries including Turkey have condemned the so-called peace plan.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem, in which the Al-Aqsa Mosque is located, during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

In a move never recognized by the international community, it annexed the entire city in 1980, claiming it as the Jewish state’s “eternal and undivided” capital.

*Writing by Havva Kara Aydin