Armenia shells Azerbaijani district overnight

BAKU (AA) – The Armenian army attacked Azerbaijani territory with howitzers and missile artillery on Tuesday, said the country’s defense forces.

The Armenian army shelled the Azerbaijani district of Terter, including the village of Gapanli some 50 kilometers from the border, from 1:05 to 4:25 am, according to a statement by the Azerbaijani Defense Forces.

Armenian forces used 120 mm and 80 mm mortars and D-30 obus as well as a BM-21 rocket system, it said.

It added that the Azerbaijani army responded with a counter-attack which damaged Armenian military targets.

It also said Armenian military and political bodies would be responsible for any attack on the front line from now on.

The news follows Armenian attacks in Karabakh, an Azerbaijani territory occupied by Armenia, which led to two days of fighting earlier this month before a cease-fire.

Amid the attacks, Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said that its army had launched operations in several districts, including Terter, to protect civilian lives.