Merkel reaffirms commitment to Iran nuclear deal

By Ayhan Simsek

BERLIN (AA) – Germany will remain committed to nuclear deal with Iran, as long as Tehran would continue to fulfil its commitments, Chancellor Angela Merkel told Iranian president Hassan Rouhani in a phone call on Thursday, her office said.

“The Chancellor underlined that Germany – as well as France and Great Britain – will remain committed to nuclear agreement with Iran, as long as Iran would continue to fulfil its obligations under the agreement,” government spokesman Steffen Seibert said in a statement.

“The Chancellor spoke in favor of holding talks in an extended format with states involved and Iran on its ballistic missiles program and activities in the region such as the ones in Syria and Yemen,” he added.

“She condemned the overnight attacks by Iran against Israeli military positions at Golan Heights and called on Iran to contribute to de-escalation in the region,” he also said.

Late last night, the Israeli army claimed that Iranian forces in Syria had fired 20 rockets into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights but that all had been intercepted by their air-defense system.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman claimed they have destroyed “almost all” of Iran’s military infrastructure in Syria in response to the rocket attacks.

The escalation came after U.S. President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that he had decided the pull the U.S. out of a landmark 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.

Trump also accused Tehran of destabilizing the region with “sinister activities” in Syria, Yemen, and other places all around the world.