AK Party’s Eker calls for fight against FETO in US

By Kasim Ileri

WASHINGTON (AA) – For years, the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) has spent a lot of money in the U.S. to lobby against the Turkish government, Turkey’s Justice and Development (AK) Party deputy chairman told Anadolu Agency on Thursday.

“We feel and understand from our meeting with American officials that FETO has spent a lot of money to distort perceptions against Turkey here in the U.S.,” according to Mehdi Eker who is leading a delegation of Turkish lawmakers on a trip to Washington.

Eker said the goal of the visit by the delegations from the ruling AK Party is to clear the disinformation about Turkey that has been instigated by FETO.

“Our task in not easy,” Eker said, but noted the delegation has had a positive view about their meetings in the American capital.

“Just in 2015, they [FETO] have paid 8 million dollars to a single lobbying company to lobby for just one case,” he said without naming the case or the lobbying company.

He urged the Turkish-American community, opposition parties and organizations in Turkey as well as businessmen, to fight against FETO’s efforts to mislead the world about Turkey.

“We need to exchange our views with whomever we know here to tell our cause,” he said, noting the importance of creating awareness about the threat posed by FETO. “Just formal meetings between state officials are not enough to do that; that is obvious.”

The group has already met U.S. lawmakers, civil society leaders and media representatives.

“We are discussing the July 15 coup attempt and post-coup perceptions about Turkey with members of Congress, telling them about Turkey’s demands and expectations as well as concerns,” Eker said.

Turkey has expressed concerns about FETO leader, Fetullah Gulen, who resides in the U.S. and is accused of establishing a quasi-state in Turkey and leading the failed coup that claimed lives of 240 victims.

Turkish authorities have submitted a formal request to the Justice Department for Gulen’s extradition.

The delegation is expected to meet as many as 25 members of Congress during the four-day visit that ends Friday.