7 soldiers wounded in Al-Bab, Syria

By Ridvan Korkulutas

ANKARA (AA) – Seven soldiers have been wounded during Operation Euphrates Shield near the Daesh-held city of Al-Bab, northern Syria, Turkish military sources said Monday.

The injured soldiers were taken to hospitals in Turkey’s border cities of Kilis and Gaziantep by helicopter, the sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

The troops were wounded during an operation along with Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters to liberate Al-Bab from Daesh, a strategic city for the terrorist group.

There were no immediate reports about the circumstances behind their injuries.

Meanwhile, the Turkish Armed Forces have destroyed 208 Daesh targets in the area, including weapon depots and buildings used by the terrorists.

Monday marks the 118th day of Operation Euphrates Shield, which began in late August to improve security, support coalition forces, and eliminate the terror threat along Turkey’s border using Free Syrian Army fighters backed by Turkish artillery, and jets.

Over 215 residential areas in northern Syria, including more than 1,800 square kilometers (694 square miles) of land, have so far been cleared of Daesh terrorists under the operation.