3 traditions from Southeast Asia gain UN heritage note

By Zehra Nur Duz

ANKARA (AA) – Three traditions from Southeast Asia made entry into UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

UNESCO released Thursday the list after the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage meeting was held in Colombia’s capital Bogota between Dec. 9-14.

The UN’s education, science and culture body inscribed traditional Thai massage, and martials arts from Malaysia and Indonesia on the list.

Nuad Thai, or Thai massage, was Thailand’s second cultural heritage which entered the list after Khon masked dance was recognized in 2018, local news agency Nation Thailand reported.

Thai massage, which is popular all over the world, lowers stress, boosts energy and improves athletic performance.

“Nuad Thai, traditional Thai massage, is regarded as part of the art and science of traditional Thai healthcare,” the UN body said in a statement.

During the meeting, the UN heritage body also included Silat, a combative art of self-defence and survival rooted in the Malay Archipelago, in the list.

"Traced back to the early days of the Langkasuka Kingdom, Silat has now evolved into a fine practice of physical and spiritual training associated with traditional Malay attire, musical instruments and customs," UNESCO said in the statement. "Many practitioners have been trained, and Silat is now a popular sport for health and leisure."

Indonesia’s Pencak Silat, which is also widely known as a martial art, is also included in the list.

"Pencak Silat is a long-standing tradition that encompasses numerous aspects: mental and spiritual, self-defence and aesthetics," UNESCO said.

Practitioners of this traditional art "are taught to maintain their relationship with God, human beings and nature, and trained in various techniques to defend themselves and others," read the statement.

During the bogota meeting on Thursday, UNESCO also inscribed 12 more cultural practices from across the world to the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.