25 coronavirus deaths reported in 3 Arab countries

By Hamdi Yildiz

ISTANBUL (AA) – Health officials in Arab countries announced new coronavirus cases, deaths and recoveries Monday.

– Morocco

Health officials said 14 people died from the virus in the last 24-hour, taking the total to 8,408.

The infections tally increased 234 to 475,589. As many as 493 patients recovered, bringing that number to 454,997.

– Palestine

The Health Ministry said seven additional patients died in the last 24 hours and a total of 2,079 fatalities have been recorded.

The ministry added that 612 people were infected, bringing the tally to 183,977. A total of 440 people recovered from the virus, taking that number to 172,560.

– Algeria

Four people died, 225 contracted the virus and 179 regained health in the last 24 hours, according to health officials.

The number of cases now stands at 109,313 including 2,918 deaths and 74,871 recoveries.