Zambia: Opposition leader denied medical attention

By Francis Maingaila

LUSAKA, Zambia (AA) – Zambian police have denied a major opposition leader access to critical medical care two days after he was teargassed during a raid at his home, his lawyer said Wednesday.

Jack Mwiimbu, lawyer for United Party for National Development (UPND) head Hakainde Hichilema, told journalists that his client complained of a life-threatening ailment suspected to have resulted from direct contact with chemical substances.

“Despite being informed of the problem, the police have not taken Mr. Hichilema to the hospital to receive medical attention.”

Hichilema, a perennial presidential candidate, was arrested and charged with treason on Tuesday after refusing last weekend to give way to President Edgar Lungu’s motorcade in Limulunga.

Mwiibu added that the police have added three more charges to treason, including disobeying lawful orders, disobeying statutory duties, and using insulting language.