Yemen: Turkish relief group continues aid deliveries

By Zeynep Rakipoglu

ISTANBUL (AA) – An aid group based in Istanbul, Turkey announced Friday that it had distributed a large shipment of relief materials to Yemen.

The Iyilik (Kindness) Association said in a statement that they had distributed 3,570 food packages in the provinces of Lahij, Hadhramaut and Marib during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan via the Turkish Red Crescent.

It added that the second stage of deliveries continued in Abyan, Aden and Taiz in an effort to help locals against a humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country.

The association has earmarked over 53.5 tons of food aid, including flour, rice, sugar and vegetable oil, to send to Yemeni families, with plans to distribute the materials to a total of more than 21,400 people.