Virus historical ‘turning point’: Red Crescent head

By Aykut Karadag

ANKARA (AA) – The coronavirus pandemic is a “turning point” in the history of humanity, said a top Red Cross/Red Crescent official on Thursday.

All national organizations have been affected by the virus as an unprecedented “global health issue,” Kerem Kinik, Turkish head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies' (IRFC) Europe Region, told a videoconference with over 50 top European IRFC officials.

The crisis also proves that all human beings are dependent on each other, and "global solidarity" is needed to deal with the pandemic, said Kinik, also head of the Turkish Red Crescent.

Kinik also told the group about the activities of the Turkish Red Crescent and said countries suffering from the disease must similarly take necessary steps.

Overall, the virus has spread to 184 countries, infecting more than 1.5 million people since it first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year.

There have been nearly 90,000 deaths, and more than 339,000 recoveries.

*Writing by Ali Murat Alhas