US commander defends coalition strikes in Iraq

By Tugrul Cam ANKARA (AA) – The top U.S. commander in Iraq was on the defensive Wednesday as sought to deflect questions about deadly anti-Daesh coalition airstrikes that killed hundreds of civilians. “In an environment where Daesh kills civilians, its marveling to see the press to be so interested in civilians who died in U.S. attacks,” Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend told reporters at the Pentagon. “If these innocent people are killed by the coalition, it’s unintentional, due to war,” he said. “Daesh is killing Iraqis and Syrians every day and they cuts heads, shoots people, throws them out of buildings, burns them alive in cages and records them for proof. This must end. I think that the only responsibility for the death of civilians and the moral responsibility for civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria is Daesh.” A large numbers of civilians have been reportedly killed in airstrikes conducted against Daesh in Mosul and also in Raqqa — the terror group’s self-declared capital in Syria. A U.K.-based group that publishes the number of civilian deaths based on figures by said it has stopped the practice because of Russia’s attacks in Syria. The group has shifted its resources to follow the actions of the coalition. said since coalition forces began anti-Daesh operations more than two years ago, the most civilian casualties were recorded this month, including those killed in attacks in the past two weeks. U.S. drones are reported to have killed 47 civilians in an attack on Aleppo in the past week, 33 civilians near Raqqa and 200 civilians lost their lives in Mosul. In addition, hundreds of civilians have lost their lives in a number of separate attacks in recent weeks, the website said. Allegations of civilian casualties caused by coalition airstrikes are being examined, the U.S. military said, adding that in many cases buildings targeted are those used by terrorists. American officials said Daesh use civilians as human shields in locations where terror operations are being conducted. Townsend rejected claims U.S. President Donald Trump said “the fight against Daesh is too soft” and “measures taken to prevent the death of civilians were loosened”. Before March 21, nearly 10,000 civilians have lost their lives in Iraq and Syria In the past two-and-a-half years, according to An estimated 2,715 of those victims died in coalition airstrikes The US-led coalition records just 220 civilians deaths in 80 incidents of a total of 1,055 attacks in more than two years. Airwars, however, said as many as 711 civilians have died in those 80 cases.