UPDATE – US, Taliban take break after extensive peace talks


By Islamuddin Sajid

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AA) – Taliban and U.S. negotiators are taking a two-day break from peace talks following extensive discussions, a Taliban spokesman said Thursday.

<p>Both sides concluded the three-day talks on notes of cautious optimism.

“The meetings ended last night as both negotiation teams agreed to take a break today and tomorrow for consultations and preparation for the third meeting, which shall be held on Saturday, ” Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement.

Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation, has said all four issues remain on the table, referring to withdrawal of foreign troops, no threats of terrorism emerging from Afghanistan in the future, comprehensive ceasefire and direct talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government.

“As talks continue in Doha, there is also progress on forming a national team in Kabul ready to engage in intra-Afghan dialogue and talks with the Taliban”, he announced in a series of tweets on Thursday.

The U.S. and the Taliban have publicly expressed agreement over the initial two issues, but later two remain as the sticking points.

The fifth round of peace talks between U.S. officials and the Taliban began Monday in the Qatari capital Doha to end Afghanistan’s 17-year conflict.

The U.S. team is being led by its top envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, while the Taliban side is headed by Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai.

“Extensive discussions were held about the method of foreign troop withdrawal from Tuesday until Wednesday noon, and from that time onwards, the discussion revolved around preventing Afghanistan from being used against others, ” said Mujahid.

Meanwhile, the head of the Taliban’s political office in Doha, Mullah Baradar Akhund, met with Qatar’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdulrahman al-Thani, National Security Advisor Muhammad al-Musnad, Khalilzad, and Gen. Scott Miller, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan.

The meetings focused on discussions about the ongoing negotiation process and withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan.

“Mullah Baradar clarified the policy of the Islamic Emirate [Taliban] regarding the withdrawal of foreign forces and the changing situation in Afghanistan while emphasizing our commitment to the current peace process and the establishment of an Islamic system in Afghanistan, ” said Mujahid.

“Just finished a working lunch with Mullah Baradar and his team. First time we've met. Now moving on to talks, ” Khalilzad said Monday on Twitter following his first meeting with Baradar.

Khalilzad also praised the roles of Qatar and Pakistan in the ongoing peace process.

Participation of Mullah Baradar — the co-founder of the Taliban who remained in police custody in Pakistan for years — in these talks has been hailed as a milestone by many including former Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

For its part, the Kabul government is set to hold grand consultative council ‘Loya Jirga’ later next month, as well as the the Kabul Process III, and the Heart of Asia — Istanbul Process meetings aimed at expediting national and regional efforts for peace in the war-ravaged country.