UPDATE – Bolivia issues arrest warrant for Evo Morales


By Sierra Juarez and Gozde Bayar

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AA) – Bolivian prosecutors issued an arrest warrant Wednesday for ousted President Evo Morales on charges of sedition and terrorism.

Interim President Jeanine Anez warned Saturday that leaders had brought charges against the former socialist and indigenous president.

Morales is currently in political exile in Argentina, from where he tweeted about the interim president’s announcement.

“The coup supporter Anez…ordered and announced the order of capture against me for terrorism and sedition when those who committed sedition, terrorism and genocide were her [and other interim leaders],” he said.

Referring to the arrest warrant issued against him, Morales said on Twitter that he will continue to fight for a free and sovereign Bolivia.

“After our 14-year revolution, the 'best gift' I have received from the de facto government is an unjust, illegal and unconstitutional arrest warrant,” he said.

Morales stepped down in November amid protests that the government tampered with presidential election results, which gave him a fourth term in office. He and his supporters have called the power transition a "coup."

Following his resignation, right-wing Catholic politician Anez assumed the role of interim president.

Violent protests swept Bolivia for several weeks as the new government used force against Morales’ supporters, who were calling for his return.